Reedy Creek

Reedy Creek Project - Victoria

The Reedy Creek Project is located 70km north of Melbourne in Victoria and is accessible via the Hume Highway adjacent to Kilmore. The project is located within the Melbourne geological zone consisting of Siluro-Devonian turbidites intruded by Late Devonian granite and diorite dykes.

Two styles of gold mineralisation exists within the project and include the typical Ballarat/Bendigo saddle reef style mesothermal vein style deposits of about 420Ma age hosted along the northwest trending Reedy Creek Anticline. The other style of mineralisation is the high level gold and antimony mineralisation thought to have formed in a late orogenic event at about 400Ma-380Ma. Fosterville gold mine located 70km northwest of Reedy Creek is an example of this style of mineralisation. Gold and antimony mineralisation within the tenement is hosted by northeast trending quartz diorite dyke sets, indicative of a major cross structure syn or post regional folding. Initial exploration at Reedy Creek will be focussed on the dyke hosted gold and antimony mineralisation, within the Golden Dyke and Apollo structures at Clonbinane and later in the Leviathan-Tonstal, Aftermath and Harry's dykes. This mineralisation is considered prospective for open pit, bulk tonnage suitable for modern day mining methods. The Steele's Creek area located further to the south also has gold and antimony mineralisation potential associated with a felsic intrusive stock.

Reedy Creek location map and regional gold deposits

Reedy Creek Prospect (EL 4460, ELA 4987) - 565 km2

The Reedy Creek Prospect is predominantly located within state forest surrounded by agricultural farming properties easily accessible from the Hume Highway.
Numerous diorite dyke associated gold and antimony targets exists over a 7km strike forming a ring dyke feature around the Mt Disappointment granite. Targets include the Clonbinane, Leviathan, Tonstal's, Aftermath and Harry's dyke. Previous shallow RC drilling in the Clonbinane area identified significant drill intersections including 8m @ 7.0g/t gold from 9m depth, 21m @ 4.8g/t gold from 9m and 15m @ 4.1g/t gold from 25m hosted by steeply dipping multiple shear and vein/dyke hosted mineralisation. Potential exists to extend the mineralisation at depth and along strike and a 2,500m RC drilling program has been planned as an initial phase of exploration.

Steele's Creek Prospect (ELA 5072) - 16 km2

The Steele's Creek area hosts gold and antimony mineralisation associated with a felsic intrusive stock of Siluro-Devonian age. Three diamond holes were drilled by Alpha Minerals NL in the late 1960's recording broad zones of gold and antimony mineralisation within a quartz porphyry intrusive interpreted to be 1,000m long by 700m wide.