Lake Torrens

Lake Torrens Project- South Australia

Lake Torrens Project (EL 3489, EL3823) - 968 km2

The Lake Torrens Project is located within the Lake Torrens ephemeral salt lake system. The tenements are located on the south western part of Lake Torrens, 20km east and 60km south of the Carapateena copper gold discovery by RMG Services Pty Ltd, within the NW trending Olympic Dam corridor. Joint Venture Partners at Carapateena, Teck Cominco Australia Ltd recently announced a drill result of 905m @ 2.1% Cu and 1g/t gold. Potential for further copper gold discoveries along the Olympic Dam trend is considered high with widespread copper gold mineralisation and alteration having recently been recorded in other drilling by Monax Mining Ltd south of Carapateena. Both tenements appear to straddle the Torrens Hinge Zone. The basement is expected to contain the Gawler Range volcanics and the Hiltaba granitic suite at an unknown depth, however likely to be in excess of 400m.

Before commencing on ground exploration Beadell will need to negotiate an access agreement with the native title claimants in respect of native title claims that exist over the Lake Torrens project and complete a Declaration of Environmental Factors (DEF) report. Beadell is currently completing the DEF report for a gravity survey. Drill testing of geophysical anomalies will form the second phase of exploration within the project.

Lake Torrens tenement location and Total Magnetic Intensity image

Lake Torrens