Lake Mackay

Lake Mackay Project - Western Australia

The Lake Mackay Project comprises two prospect areas, Mt Webb and Dwarf Well located close to the Northern Territory border 450km north of Warburton. Mesoproterozoic rocks including the comagmatic Pollock Hills Formation and Mt Webb Granite show primary and alteration geochemistry which have similarities to those of other Proterozoic IOCG mineralised areas in the eastern Mt Isa - Cloncurry district and the Gawler Craton.

A land access agreement has been signed by Agincourt Exploration with the Tjamu Tjamu native title group, allowing exploration to commence immediately after the land access agreement is assigned to Beadell and the exploration licence applications are granted. Portions of this project are located on Aboriginal land. Prior to entry onto these areas entry permits will be required.

Lake Mackay Project tenement location, Bouguer Gravity image and interpreted geology

Lake Mackay

Mt Webb Prospect (ELA80/3822) - 443 km2

The Mt Webb Prospect is located along the southern margin of the Arunta Complex where subcropping Mt Webb granite and comagmatic Pollock Hills Formation felsic volcanics are located within the tenement. A recent gravity survey completed by the Geological Survey of Western Australia has highlighted a large circular gravity low immediately east of the Mt Webb Prospect, the Company has interpreted this to represent a deep magmatic source zone to the surface volcanic and magmatic rocks within the tenement

Recent work by Geoscience Australia suggests the possibility of IOCG and associated uranium type targets in the basement lithologies of the Mt Webb area.
Exploration will target geophysical anomalies identified in the gravity and aero magnetic data and include first pass surface geochemical soil sampling and detailed mapping across the tenement.

Dwarf Well Prospect (ELA80/3820-21, 3823) - 1087 km2

The Dwarf Well Prospect located north of Lake Mackay is hosted within an east-west trending belt of complex magnetic stratigraphy interpreted to represent a layered repetition of the Arunta Complex. There is a domaltype magnetic anomaly within the layered Arunta Complex in the Dwarf Well Prospect. This may relate to a buried high level granite intrusive similar to the Mt Webb granite, which provides a potential IOCG target. The more layered magnetic anomaly to the east may also be due to metasomatic magnetite and also have potential for IOCG type mineralisation. Three coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies potentially representing Mesoproterozoic aged intrusive rocks have been identified as IOCG targets and will form the focus of initial exploration activities in the area.