Tropicana East

Tropicana East Project - Western Australia

The Tropicana East Project, is located 350km north-east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia comprising four prospects named Pleiades Lakes, Neale, Minigwal and Nullarbor covering 2,912km2 of sparsely explored region in the vicinity of the new Tropicana gold discovery owned by Anglogold Ashanti Australia Ltd and Independence Group NL. The Tropicana deposit is located at the south eastern edge of the Yilgarn Craton and the host rocks are interpreted to be reworked Archean rocks overprinted by the Albany Fraser Orogen and intruded by the Proterozoic granites.

Tropicana East Project location plan

Pleiades Lakes Prospect (EL39/1215) - 417km2

The Pleiades Lakes Prospect is located only 20km east of the Tropicana deposit, in a faulted offset segment of complex magnetic gneissic stratigraphy (Figure 3) interpreted as Archean rocks overprinted by the Albany Fraser Orogen . Initial regolith mapping in the area has highlighted a complex surficial regolith dominated by aeolian and playa lake cover with limited areas of subcropping basement gneiss and dolerite. A first pass magnetic lag soil sampling program on a 1000m by 500m grid over the south western portion of the tenement yielded broad low level gold anomalies up to 8.9ppb gold which will be followed up with infill soil sampling prior to first pass drilling. Two types of soil sampling were used at the Pleiades Lakes Prospect with the preferred method being a magnetic lag sample, however in areas where no lag sample was present a whole soil sample was taken.

Neale Prospect (ELA38/1913) - 467 km2

The tectonic and lithological environment at Tropicana extends directly north-east into the Neale Prospect. Only minor mineral sands exploration has been completed on the tenement revealing a cover sequence 20-30m deep with recorded bedrock lithologies of schists and granite. Limited interface sampling from mineral sands aircore drilling, totalling 30 samples yielded a maximum result of 0.02ppm gold. Initial exploration by Beadell will involve analysis of historic drill samples for gold and first pass soil sampling, testing for subtle gold anomalies in the transported material or basement windows protruding through the cover sequence.

Tropicana East Project Total Magnetic Intensity Image with Beadell prospects - Neal and Pleiades Lakes

Minigwal Prospect (EL39/1203) - 219 km2

The Minigwal Prospect has potential for hosting Mulga Rock type uranium mineralisation. The Minigwal tenement may cover Eocene drainage channel sediments similar to the Mulga Rock uranium deposits 80km to the south.

Nullarbor Prospect (ELA69/2326-2328) - 1,810 km2

The Nullarbor tenements are located in the Albany Fraser Province and are considered to have potential for orogenic type gold deposits but may also host IOCG type deposits similar to the adjoining Gawler Craton. Very little geological information is known about the crystalline basement rocks in this region due to the overlying Permian cover which is in excess of 50m thick. A large circular magnetite alteration system interpreted from the regional aeromagnetics forms the basis of this conceptual IOCG target. A portion of the Nullarbor Prospect is located within a Class A nature reserve. Current State Government policy does not permit exploration within Class A nature reserves. See Section 6 for further details.Exploration will involve a gravity survey followed by drill testing of any significant gravity anomalies.

Tropicana East Project location plan

Tropicana East - Loc Plan